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How To Get Through The Job Hunting Process

Starting the hunt for a new job is a difficult and stressful time,1 whether you’re just out of college or recently laid off. Sometimes it feels as if you’ve sent out over a 100 resumes and are still getting nowhere. Though it is a rough patch, it is important to stay positive and focused while searching. Here are some tips to make the job hunting process a little easier.

Keep an open mind

When looking for a new job, try not to box yourself into looking for one specific role. Be willing to consider taking on a role that might be a little different than what you’re used to. While you may be comfortable in a certain area, keeping an open mind to different opportunities could lead you to the best fit. And who knows, maybe trying something a little different than your last gig might bring an exciting change of pace and new skills that will help you grow.

Spruce up that resume

How long has it been since you last updated your resume? A while? Dust of those cobwebs and give your resume a makeover.2 Make sure it’s updated to reflect recent roles and skills. This is also a great opportunity to remove any unnecessary or outdated information. It’s important to make yourself attractive to potential employers and standout among other candidates.  Also, consider creating different versions of your resume to emphasize different experiences and skills that you have.

Use your resources

Utilize the people, places and things around you to help get you on track during your job search. Contact previous coworkers, friends and family to see if they have heard of any opportunities that you would be interested in. If you receive the local paper, check the help wanted or job sections to see what’s available. Be sure to also keep an eye on free job searching websites like Indeed for the latest postings near you.

Take the interview

So you finally got an interview after endless applications, but the job is not exactly what you want. Unless you absolutely can’t picture yourself in this role, be open to taking the interview anyway. Once you meet representatives from the company, you might actually warm to the opportunity. If anything, it gives you valuable interviewing experience for when you do find your dream job.

Be patient

While you go through the process of looking for a new job, be prepared to wait. And wait. It takes time for applications to go through the various levels of HR reviews, conduct interviews and make the final decision. Keeping a positive, patient mindset will hopefully take some of the stress out of waiting for the news. In time, the opportunity that is right for you will come along.


1(2013, Aug 20). Retrieved from: https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2013/08/20/567932/10045445/en/92-of-U-S-Adults-Fear-Something-About-Job-Interviews-Survey-Finds.html

2Cooke, Nick. (2023, May 4). Retrieved from: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/resumes-cover-letters/how-to-update-resume